Virtual Public Meeting: Thursday, June 17, 5:30-7:00 PM

Cyanobacteria blooms have received increasing attention in recent years, as a result of particularly strong blooms in some areas. As research into blooms continues, we learn more about what things make cyanobacteria blooms more likely, what dangers blooms can pose to humans and other animals, and what the future might hold. In this public meeting we will describe what cyanobacteria blooms are and how to recognize them, present recent trends in blooms in Vermont and more broadly, discuss emerging research into possible health issues associated with blooms, discuss how blooms are likely to respond to changing climate and human activities, and answer questions from the public.

Join the meeting on Microsoft Teams here: Click here to join the meeting

Or call in (audio only): +1 802-828-7667 Phone Conference ID: 485 258 725#

The program will include presentations from:
• Oliver Pierson, Lakes and Ponds program manager, VT DEC
• Peter Isles, Ph.D., Aquatic Ecologist, VT DEC
• Bridget O’Brien, Senior radiological and toxicological analyst, VDH
• Sarah Vose, Ph.D, State Toxicologist VDH
• Lori Fisher, Executive Director, Lake Champlain Committee

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